At a recent trade show, Galvin had his crew cut a hole in the side of their model house to expose the structural system because no one realized it was made from containers. 在最近一次展销会上,加尔文叫员工在样板房一边切了个大洞,以展露其建筑构造,否则的话,没人能看出它是集装箱改建的。
China warned that it could spark a trade war, and the White House warned that it could be counterproductive. 中国警告说这将会引发贸易战。白宫警告说这将会适得其反。
As a marketing executive for AMS Neve, which makes music studio equipment, in the mid-1990s Mr James travelled to Asia regularly for trade shows and was inspired by the sheer energy he saw: I sold the house and moved to Singapore. 上世纪90年代中期,金宝曾任音乐工作室设备制造商AMSNeve的营销高管,他经常到亚洲参加贸易展,亚洲的强大活力令他感到鼓舞:我卖掉了房子,搬到了新加坡。
"When I date a man, I calculate his worth in points," said Hao Hongrui, a27-year-old trade manager in Beijing." A handsome face, a big house and a fancy car are important. " “通常,我和男性约会时会从几个方面来衡量他,”27岁的北京某公司销售经理郝红蕊说,“帅气的外表,宽敞的房子和高档小汽车,这些都很重要。”
The chance of a global trade deal being clinched before President George W. Bush leaves the White House shrank dramatically yesterday with talks between core negotiating partners collapsing again in division and acrimony. 全球贸易谈判核心各方之间的会谈昨日再次在分歧和敌意中以失败告终,使得在美国总统布什(georgew.bush)离任前达成全球贸易协议的可能性大大降低。
The Ways and Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over trade, approved the currency bill on Friday with bipartisan support, paving the way for a vote in the full House next week. 分管贸易的筹款委员会(waysandmeanscommittee)周五在两党一致支持下通过了汇率法案,为该法案下周提交众议院全体投票表决铺平了道路。
I find ideas for intervention in capital markets far more attractive than those involving action against trade, as the US House of Representatives proposed last week. 我认为,干预资本市场的主意,远比那些涉及反贸易行动的主张更具吸引力&美国众议院上周提出的就是后一种主意。
Such house won't appear on the market commonly trade, unit collective does handle house property card, buying is possible, but must certificate neat a versatile person goes. 这样的房子一般不会上市交易,办房产证都是单位集体去办的,买是可以的,但一定要证件齐全才行。
The homeowner wants to trade up. The old man was tossed out of the house because the owner wanted to pull it down. 房主想把旧屋折价换新房子。因为房主要拆房子,这老头被赶了出来。
First-time buyers saw them as a way to get onto the housing ladder, perhaps hoping to trade up to a house later. 首次购房者视公寓为跻身屋主阶级的捷径,或许他们还计划着几年后把公寓换成独栋住宅。
A businessperson engaged in retail trade. International Commodities Clearing House 从事零售交易的商人。国际商品交易清算所
The US is scrambling to complete bilateral so-called free trade agreements ( FTAs) with South Korea, Malaysia and Thailand before the White House's authority to negotiate entire trade deals expires next June. 美国政府正急于赶在国会授予政府的贸易协议谈判权限明年6月到期之前,完成与韩国、马来西亚及泰国的所谓双边自由贸易协议(FTA)谈判。
In fact, it would take two buildings the size of the World Trade Center to house the storage capacity of your brain. 事实上,你的大脑的信息存量相当于两座纽约世贸中心大小的高楼。
Fourth, the trade market of the mortgage is unripe, and the mortgage secondary market of the house is not active; 四是抵押物交易市场不成熟,住房抵押二级市场不活跃;
A CHARCOAL-BURNER carried on his trade in his own house. 一个木炭燃烧器贸易后被运回到自己的房子。
We'd like to be your agent handing your export trade with Europe. An insurance company will insure your house against fire. 敝公司愿做贵公司的代理,办理贵公司对欧洲的出口贸易。保险公司愿为你的房屋保火险。
On these two key issues, trade and energy, the house of Representatives has acted to create jobs? And I urge the Senate to pass this legislation. 在能源和贸易这两个关键问题上,众议院已经采取措施来创造就业机会,因此我呼吁参议院通过这一法案。
And I wouldn't trade my current life no matter how fancy the house is. 无论什么豪宅,都不能让我放弃现在的生活方式。
Success in global trade negotiations will most likely have to wait until a new president is in the White House, according to senior lawmakers on Capitol Hill. 美国资深国会议员表示,很可能要等到美国新总统入主白宫后,全球贸易谈判才能取得成功。
In a sense this is similar to an ordinary mortgage loan: if a hedge fund fails to repay a loan, or honour a trade, a bank can seize that collateral in much the same way that a bank might grab a house if a mortgage defaults. 某种意义上,这与普通的抵押贷款类似:如果对冲基金未能偿还贷款,或履行交易,银行就可以没收该抵押品,就像房主拖欠抵押贷款后银行收回房屋一样。
Game Trade Zhongshan News: outside there is someone guarding the door to verify the identity of the mysterious house backing what? 电玩商情中山讯:门外有专人把守,进门要验证身份,神秘屋子究竟有何来头?
It was created to foster growth and prosperity by advancing economic cooperation and expanding trade and investment throughout the region, according to the White House. 创建该组织的宗旨是要通过在整个地区加强经济合作和扩大贸易及投资来促进经济增长与繁荣。
The agreement with Colombia is the first of three free trade agreements the White House wants to see clear Congress this year. 白宫有三个自由贸易协定希望在今年得到国会的通过,哥伦比亚的协议是之一。
( trade mark) a yellow insecticide used as a dust or spray to control garden pests and house flies and mites. (商标)一种黄色杀虫剂,用于控制园里害虫和家里苍蝇和小虫的粉末或喷雾剂。
Too many trade specialists in Washington have to spend their time pretending that the future of the world economy hangs on every twist and turn in procedural manoeuvring in trade subcommittees in the House of Representatives and the Senate. 华盛顿的大量贸易专家,只得佯装世界经济的未来系于众参两院下属贸易委员会程序性操作的每一个环节上。
His investigate contents are made up of natural geography environment, scale, appearance, layout, trade, house, transportation, evolution and development changes, custom and feeling. 考察的内容主要包括治所城市的自然地理环境,规模、形态、布局,商贸、民居、交通,沿革变迁、风物民情。
Provisions on Managing Shanghai Shipping Trade House 上海航运交易所管理规定
Again, the paper analyzes the current in foreign trade business use the valuation of the clearing house shall, through the solution of these problems and promote in foreign trade business use the valuation and settlement. 再次,本文分析了当前在对外贸易中使用人民币进行计价结算所应当解决的问题,并且通过这些问题的解决促进在对外贸易中使用人民币进行计价结算。
From Ming and Qing dynasty, when people trade, pawn and mortgage their real estate such as land, house, etc., they usually contracted an agreement which does not need to be authorized by the government. 明清以来,民间买卖、典当、抵押土地、房屋等不动产,不经官府而订立的文书多称为契约。